AAY Plan Managed

NDIS Plan Management

Who Is AAY Plan Managed

The image shows a group of five people standing behind a banner. The banner has the text **"AAY PLAN MANAGED"** with a logo of two hands holding three figures above the text. Below this, there is smaller text that reads **"we support YOU."** The background includes a brick building and some outdoor elements, suggesting the photo was taken outside.

We work along with you or your guardian to get the most out of your funding.

When you want to choose us as your plan manager, this is the process we follow:

  • Contact us to let us know that you want us to manage your plan.
  • After signing the service agreement, we spend some time with you. We talk about your plan and the budget surrounding it, this can sometimes take up to 1 hour. 
  • After the meeting we will then begin to manage your Service Bookings. We will also set you up on caresquare.au. With your own login, you can use CareSquare to see what is happening with your funding, as it is happening. 
  • We will then send you a welcome pack. It will give you instructions on what you need to send to your provider or individuals that you use. It will tell them what must be on their invoice and where to send it. 
  • Once we receive their invoice, you or your guardian will have the ability to either pay the provider or individual straight away or approve each invoice as they come in. 
  • Invoices are paid within 24 to 48 hours once approved and submitted to the NDIS. 
  • You will receive monthly statements on the 1st of each month, directly to your nominated email address.

NDIS Plan Management FAQ

1. Participants

Anyone who is on the NDIS can Access Plan Management. At your planning meeting, you can tell NDIS/LAC staff that you would like the plan to be plan managed, the NDIS will include funding in your plan to pay for your plan manager. This is separate from your other services and supports in your budget. This is used to help you have more Choice and Control.

You can request a light touch review by contacting the NDIS on 1800 800 110 to request for plan management to be put into your current plan.

Put simply, this relates to helping participants receive value for money when spending NDIS funding.

There are price guidelines from the NDIS which govern all NDIS providers’ pricing for their services. Meaning, there is a maximum rate that each provider is allowed to charge. Additionally, it is possible to spend the funding on independent support workers.

As part of our NDIS Plan Management, it is our responsibility to assist our clients to choose providers that are economically viable for them. We may consider services from private companies with an ABN and relevant insurance instead of registered NDIS providers.

This allows the NDIS participant the maximum choice for Self or Plan Managed scenarios.

Self Managed participants are required to perform the paperwork and keep a copy of their paperwork at all times. Self Managed participants can be audited. Self Managed is suitable for those who want to manage their plan independently.

The core advantage of Plan Management is for us to manage the administrative duties of managing the NDIS Plan, paying providers, and storing accurate information which is helpful for auditing purposes.

Plan Management is designed to simplify the process of managing a plan.

There are no differences in funding between Self Managed and Plan Managed NDIS plans.


Those currently self-managing can contact the NDIS for a light touch review and add ‘Plan Management’. Our NDIS Plan Management services do not use lock-in contracts.

If you are an NDIS participant and would like AAY Plan Managed to manage your NDIS Plan, please start the process by filling out our Participant Referral Form below.

The whole process can take as little as 2-3 hours.

Participant Referral Form

Participant Information

Date of Birth

Contact Information (if different to participant)

COS Information (if applicable)


Max. file size: 10 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you wish to change Plan Managers, you will need to contact you current Plan Manager. Tell them that you wish to cease services with them.

Contact us if you need help doing this.

Yes, the NDIS will typically approve funding for a pressure or hygiene mattress if you need it because of your disability. 

They will assess the information you give them against the NDIS Funding Criteria. You will need to give them evidence or information that shows the mattress is a reasonable and necessary support.  Your Plan Manager and OT can work with you to achieve this.

For more information, visit: https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov.au/would-we-fund-it/assistive-technologies/non-standard-mattresses

Yes, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) may cover meal preparation if your plan includes it. This can include the cost of having meals prepared and delivered, or hiring a support worker to help you prepare meals. 

For more information, you can see more at: The NDIS Website

For more information, you can download the pdf here: What wont the NDIS Cover

2. Providers

You can send all invoices for payment to invoices@aayplanmanaged.com.au.

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits is the document you will need. It explains the pricing rules and the way that price controls for supports and services work in the NDIS. The NDIS Support Catalogue lists the specific supports, (sometimes called ‘support items’) that have a maximum price. You can download the latest NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and Support Catalogue from the Pricing page.


3. Providing Feedback

Our Communication

During our initial meeting, we will ask you the ways that you would like us to contact you. We will contact NDIS Participants when there are changes to their Plan and help them to budget accordingly. This can be either by:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Microsoft Teams Meetings Online

You will be assigned a dedicated staff member to manage your NDIS Plan.

The image shows a person sitting at a desk and working on a laptop. The person is wearing a white sleeveless top and a smartwatch on the left wrist. In the background, there is a banner with the text "AAY PLAN MANAGED" and "you" written on it, along with a logo featuring two hands. There is also a corkboard on the wall with some papers pinned to it. The setting appears to be an office or a workspace.
The image shows a group of five people standing outdoors in front of a building with large windows. The group consists of three individuals in the back row and two in the front row. 

- The person on the left in the back row is wearing a white sleeveless top.
- The person in the middle is wearing a green button-up shirt.
- The person on the right is wearing a white long-sleeve shirt.

In the front row:
- The person on the left is wearing a blue T-shirt with the text "Huffington Supply Co." and other smaller text.
- The person on the right is wearing a black T-shirt.

The background includes a brick wall and a metal railing. The setting appears to be casual and possibly related to a social or community event.

What Makes AAY Plan Managed a Great Provider?

  • We keep participants updated 24/7 through our API program.
  • We offer a high level of communication.
  • We encourage choice and control over plan funding.
  • We are highly empathetic people that love the opportunity to represent the NDIS sector

Contact us on (02) 9121 5001 or contact us here.

Contact Us to Manage Your NDIS Plan

When contacting us, it would be helpful if you have a copy of your NDIS Plan with you (or the ability to locate it easily).

You can also start the process by phoning us on (02) 9121 5001. We are happy to answer any questions before you make any decisions.

If it is your preference, there is no need to see us in person. Everything can be performed via phone or using video conferencing.

To start the process now, please either:

  1. Use our online referral form here, and we’ll contact you via your preferred means or;
  2. Phone (02) 9121 5001
  3. Arrange a meeting by clicking on the link: AAYPM Bookings

 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

“Disability is not a lack of ability; it is a different ability.”

– Robert M. Hensel

Participant Referral Form

Participant Information

Date of Birth

Contact Information (if different to participant)

COS Information (if applicable)


Max. file size: 10 MB.
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